Saturday, May 16, 2009

What C.K. Prahalad has Learned

There was a May 5, 2009 article on about C.K. Prahalad. It ended with a sidebar: What the Teacher has Learned:
  1. When the going is roughest, leadership matters. In times of trouble leaders must act like emotional and intellectual anchors. Authenticity is the most important trait.
  2. Successful managers embrace discomfort. Discomfort can push you to a new level of achievement.
  3. Great leaders stay on message. Nothing is more important than reminding people what the company stands for.
  4. It's not one person. It's not the team. It's both. One unique person makes a difference, but you need teamwork to make things happen.
  5. Think? Act? Balance the two. Sometimes not acting is smart. But if you get the feeling that everybody's becoming so thoughtful that nobody's doing anything, I wanna go light some fires somewhere.
Me: I could get along with Prahalad just fine!

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