Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Going Dazzling with Dragos Roua

 In "About me" Dragos says:

     Don’t expect to find common things here, and in the case you will still find common things, enjoy them, because they will not emerge often.
     But do expect to find controversial, unexpected, unusual or just plain strange interpretations here. I saw over the time that some of my thoughts or mental connections have the tendency to put people in the dazzling state. Dazzling is good, sometimes. It makes your brains working.
     I just think we don’t have to raise perception walls between our mindsets, goals or approaches. Our “big picture” might often seem cluttered and foggy, but this is mainly because our knowledge paths are frozen in habits. Unfroze your knowledge paths and let them converge and feed each other.  And do not be afraid about the results.
     We can never fail. We just learn.

I just ran into Dragos list of "100 Ways to Live a Better Life." and I was excited for two reasons. First, it is a great list and being mindful of it will in fact result in my leading a better life. I plan to do that.  Second, I sort of let Becky Robinson (@LeaderTalk) convince me to get going on my blog. But if you ever blogged you know that saying it and doing it are two different things. You need something to get you going. You need a spark. I was thinking about how I was going to handle that - I didn't want to let Becky down (Even thought we haven't met yet.) - when I read Dragos post. I knew right away that this was it. If you've been paying attention to movies lately you know there is a movie out called Julie and Julia. It is about a woman who moved her life forward by deciding to work her way through Julia Child's cookbook and blog about each recipe. It helped her. She was touched by Julia Child even though she wasn't actually there. I think Dragos Roua can do the same thing for me. So my plan is to work my way through his 100 ways to live a better life. At each stop I will include his comments and then will either reflect on how this has helped me have a better life or will identify a way it will help me have a better life.

I'll be 63 next month. My health is far from perfect. I need reflection and inspiration. This is where I am going to look for it. You can follow along, but it doesn't matter. I'm committed with or without followers.

There is one other possibility. You could jump on board and do it yourself. Would it make your life better? "We can never fail. We can just learn." (Dragos Roua)

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